Equiping you with the tools to grow...

Spiritually. Financially. Successfully.

Ian Cawston Brand

Let us help build you up.


Interested in Dropping or Ecommerce? Learn how to successfully build and launch your first store, without any experience or need to spend thousads of dollars!

Affiliate Marketing

Get in depth knowledge and help in building a full-time income online, without needing to have any type of following, fan base, or product of your own.


Join in and support our ministry as we look to touch the lives of of people across the globe. Bringing them closer to Jesus, delivering them from demonic spirits

Prayer Request

If you're struggling with something like addiction, depression, axiety, or abuse. Or going through something. Send us your prayer request and let us pray for you in your life.

Understand yourself!

Uncover The Areas You Need Growth...

If it's financially, spiritually, or persoally...We have the tools that are going to help you grow in all areas of your life. It starts with idetifying where you are needig to develop in your current life, figuring out why you are in the circumstances you are in, and then strategically aquiring the tools that will guide and help you in changing those circumstanstaces into your desired outcome of life.

The Future Of Business Is ONLINE!

Everything you need to adapt to the times




Affiliate Marketing


Spreading The Gospel

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Financial success starts with getting a clear understanding of how it works, and building a plan to successfully execute!


Send us your prayer request and let us say a personalized prayer to support you in any area of your life.


There is no doubt. that mentorship, in any area can give accountability and help develop your skills and qualities.


Never suffer in silence. We have created a safe place to communicate and connect to serve your needs


If you need to hear a good word you can connect with us, or one of our recomended pastors/sermons!

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Get your answers

Frequently Asked Questions

How long have you been working online?

I have been working onlinw fulltime for the last 3 years. I started with e-commerce, but expanded into affiliate marketing as well becuase of the variety of opportunity and earning potential. I left my job and was blessed with the ability to be full-time online.

How did you get started in ministry?

When I was convicted to give my life over to Christ, it was around the same time I was delivered from my addiction and substance abuse. After getting baptised and reborn, the Lord convicted me to begin sharing my testimony and give the glory to Him and what he can do for us in our lives.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is the process of promoting a companies products or service, and receiving a commission from any sales that occur from the people (traffic) you send through an offer.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is where you source products (ususally from overseas) and ship them directly from the uspplier to the customer without needing to touch the product. You are required to build your own store front and responsible for handling customer service and opperation of your brand.

Is there a difference from E-commerce and Dropshippi

Dropshipping is a form of E-commerce, however as described in another FAQ it is the process of shipping a product directly from the supplier to the customer. With that method there is no way to customize a product or brand logo (typically). With "E-commerce" this opens the option of selling products where you handle the delivery of the product. Typically you would order product for your store and then sell it out. (Or use a fullfilment center to ship it). The benefit to this is you have more ability to customize the product, brand a product, or in some cases have a prduct commpletely unique to you and your business.

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